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Education Day – March 23, 2013 Movie ‘Agenda: Grinding America Down’ (trailer) followed by a presentation and discussion with Jim Mullins, Americans for Prosperity, on The United Nations based initiative called “Agenda 21” 10:00 Movie 11:45 – 12:20 Lunch (donations accepted) 12:20 – 3:00 Agenda…

FairTaxKC Rally

FairTaxKC Rally  Wednesday, September 12th Two great candidates in two great cities on the same night Confirmed Guest Speakers Todd Akin Candidate for US Senate – Missouri &  Ed Emery Candidate for Missouri Senate 31st District Public Q&A Session At 5:00 pm at 1415 North…


Republican Primary! It all begins on AUGUST 7. If you want to make a difference–it starts here! Call your neighbors and friends and remind them to vote! Offer a ride to those who are unable to get to the polls! Platte County Ballot Information Here:  http://www.co.platte.mo.us/elections/ballot_questions.html…

VOTE August 7 / Republican Primary!

VOTE August 7 / Republican Primary Platte County Ballot Information Here: http://www.co.platte.mo.us/elections/ballot_questions.html Candidate Information: https://www.platterepublicans.org/candidates Absentee Voting Information: http://www.co.platte.mo.us/elections/absentee_voting.html Republican Headquarters Location: 5918 NW 63rd Terrace, The Villages at Burlington Creek Phone Number 816-505-1994 Please share this information with your friends

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