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Jack Cashill on CSPAN Book TV

Thought you might like to watch the airing of Jack Cashill's latest book, "If I Had a Son: Race, Guns and the Railroading of George Zimmerman" which was taped right here in Platte County at the Resource Center. It will be at 2:45 pm this...

OCRA – Learn To Use Twitter

We are having Rachel Payton from Americans for Prosperity at our Feb.24th Meeting. It is very important that we learn new methods on how to get out the message on issues. Twitter is a social media that many of us shy away from because we...

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

PCRCC Meeting

The Platte County Republican Central Committee meets the first Monday or each month.

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

PCRCC Meeting

The Platte County Republican Central Committee meets the first Monday or each month.

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

AFP Activist Training – Join Us

Americans for Prosperity Activist Training with Area Director Rachel Payton. Be a part of the Army ready to take on Hillary and the Democrats. Six classes beginning Wednesday, April 29 and continuing every other Wednesday until July 8. Please come even if you are not...

Right To Work Override Rally

Rally for Right to Work Veto Override Missouri Capitol In the gorgeous 3rd fl House Lounge Sept 16 1015-1130 (or longer) Lieutenant Gov Peter Kinder Former Speaker Tim Jones State Rep Eric Burlison Senator Bob Onder (other speakers to be added, developing) Right to Work...

PCRCC Gubernatorial Forum

Platte County Republican Central Committee fundraiser presenting the Candidates for MO Governor Join us to meet and talk with candidates for MO Governor. Enjoy hors d'oeuvres and drinks with opportunity to purchase gift baskets and raffle tickets for other prizes.

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