Platte County GOP News
3rd Friday Patriots Meet
Dear Fellow Patriots, I hope you are all planning to come to our 3rd Friday party (Jan 20th at 7:00). I can't wait to see you all again and get things rolling for the New Year. This will be a very decisive year that will...
Pachyderm Monthly Meeting featuring Jack Cashill
The Platte County Pachyderm Club welcomes Jack Cashill to its February 2, 2012, meeting at the Tiffany Greens Golf Club to discuss the Campaign Season of 2012. "Jack Cashill is an independent writer and producer and, on a contractual basis, the Executive Editor of Ingram’s...
Central Committee Monthly Meeting
The Platte County Republican Central Committee meets on the 1st Monday of the month. Meeting begins at 7 pm and is open to the public.
MO Presidential Primary
The MO Presidential Primary will occur on Tuesday 7 February 2012. The results of this Presidential Preference poll will not be binding on delegates to the Republican National Convention in August in Tampa FL as the vote comes before the first Tuesday in March in...
Victory Rock/Battle of the Bands Planning Meeting
Meeting to plan Event for Young Adults to join together with music and entertainment. It is GOTV effort! Local candidates and YR groups, etc. will be available plus Voter Registration.
PCFRW Third Thursday Monthly Meeting
The Platte County Federated Republican Women (PCFRW) meets monthly on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the homes of members of the group
Caucus Training
James Thomas will lead us through the caucus process. We will also do some mock caucuses. Be prepared. Join us on Wednesday.
MO Caucus 101 Training – Preserving American Liberty
Preserving American Liberty to hold Missouri Caucus 101 training February 23rd at 7pm at the North Kansas City Community Center. Event is free and open to the public. The Missouri Caucus is March 17, 2012 What is a Caucus? Why has Missouri chosen to now...
Filing Date for the August Primary
The last Tuesday in February of an election year is the first day to file for county, state and federal elections to be held during the August Primary. Filing ends on the last Tuesday in March.
Central Committee Monthly Meeting
The Platte County Republican Central Committee meets on the 1st Monday of the month. Meeting begins at 7 pm and is open to the public.
Todd Aiken coming to 3rd Friday party
Congressman Todd Aiken, candidate for Missouri's US Senator will be at the 3rd Friday Patriots gathering. Dear Fellow Patriots, I don't know about you, but I've been so wrapped up in the Presidential race, that I've somewhat ignored the people running against Claire for Senate...