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Upcoming Events

Common Core Curriculum

Tuesday, April 23, 7 pm, join us for an informative evening discussing Education in America. Featured Speaker is Dr. Walt Chappell, an educator and member of the Kansas Board of Education will discuss the Common Core Curriculum, where it started, who developed it, cost and...

Platte County Pachyderm Club Meets

Tiffany Greens Clubhouse, 5900 NW Tiffany Springs Parkway, Platte County, Kansas City, Missouri (map) Social begins at 5:30 pm and program at 6:00 pm. Guest speakers relate their extensive knowledge and experience in national, state and local politics and on topical issues of the day....



Platte County Pachyderm Club

Tiffany Greens Clubhouse, 5900 NW Tiffany Springs Parkway, Platte County, Kansas City, Missouri (map) Social begins at 5:30 pm and program at 6:00 pm. Guest speakers relate their extensive knowledge and experience in national, state and local politics and on topical issues of the day....

PCFRW Annual Picnic Fundraiser

Cost $10 per person or $20 per family. Meat and drinks provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert and your lawn chairs. Great fun getting to meet fellow Platte County Republicans. Check Facebook to RSVP to PCFRW Annual Picnic Fundraiser.

Meet Ed Martin, MoGOP Chair

Visit with Ed Martin from 11:45-1:15. Welcome to join Ed at the Drury Inn and Suites, KC Stadium 3830 Blue Ridge Cutoff. If so desired, individuals may purchase lunch.

Mo State Committee Meeting

The next meeting of the Missouri Republican State Committee will be held at 10 AM on Saturday 22 June 2013 at the Holiday Inn Select Executive Center in Columbia MO in the Picadilly Room. State Committee Members: http://www.mogop.org/resources/mo-gop/committee-finder/?qt=state

Missouri “FIRST” Annual Republican Party Summer BBQ

Please help us make our first statewide BBQ a success. Tell your friends and family. With your help, this event will become a tremendous success. Please RSVP by contacting the staff of the Missouri Republican Party, (573) 636-3146 or email alyssa@mogop.org.

Ben Evan – Heritage Action

Ben Evans, of Heritage Action, the political arm of The Heritage Foundation, will be speaking Friday, June 28 at the Reece Nichols Building, 307 S. Jefferson, Kearney, MO. He will be talking about the basics of holding Congress accountable to conservative, liberty-minded principles. Social at...

PCRCC Meeting

Platte County Republican Central Committee Meeting

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