10 events found.
Legislature Swearing In
A fun day with a rally and then the swearing in of new members. They served lunch in the majority leaders office last year. See you senators and representatives and even went to the top of the capitol.
Missouri Lincoln Days 2013
https://www.mogop.org/lincolndays/barrasso/ https://www.mogop.org/docs/ld_2013_registration.pdf
Agenda 21 Education Day
Education Day - March 23, 2013 Movie 'Agenda: Grinding America Down' (trailer) followed by a presentation and discussion with Jim Mullins, Americans for Prosperity, on The United Nations based initiative called "Agenda 21" 10:00 Movie 11:45 - 12:20 Lunch (donations accepted) 12:20 - 3:00 Agenda...