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Upcoming Events

Todd Aiken coming to 3rd Friday party

Congressman Todd Aiken, candidate for Missouri's US Senator will be at the 3rd Friday Patriots gathering. Dear Fellow Patriots, I don't know about you, but I've been so wrapped up in the Presidential race, that I've somewhat ignored the people running against Claire for Senate...

Missouri Republican County Caucus

2012 Missouri GOP Platform Draft *The County Caucuses will take place on March 17, 2012. One caucus will be held in each of Missouri's 114 counties and the city of St. Louis at 10 a.m. At these caucuses, which are open to any Republican who...

Get On The Bus – Hands Off My Healthcare KC

Get On The Bus to Jefferson City to send a message to our elected leaders on Obama Care. The bus will arrive at the Missouri Hands Off My Healthcare event at approximately 11AM and will leave promptly at 3PM. There will be TWO places to...

Century Club Reception

Special Reception for Century Club members will be held at 3:30 pm Saturday 31 March 2012 to pre-view our future Platte County GOP Headquarters (PC GOP HQ). Century Club members are those contributing $100 or more per year to the Platte County Republican Central Committee...

Platte County “March to Victory”

Come meet the candidates running in the August Primary. Governor Candidates Bill Randles and Dave Spence will be there. LT Governor Peter Kinder and LT Gov Candidate State Senator Brad Lager will be there. Missouri Attorney General Candidate Ed Martin and State Treasurer Candidate Cole...

Central Committee Monthly Meeting

The Platte County Republican Central Committee meets on the 1st Monday of the month. Meeting begins at 7 pm and is open to the public.

Platte County Federated Republican Women

PCFRW will have speaker and Co-author of Glenn Beck's Latest Best Seller "The Original Arguments",Joshua Charles, speaking at their meeting on Thursday April 19th. He is a brilliant Young man, author, musician and has great ideas on how to bring back values and the constitution...

3rd Friday Patriots Meet

3rd Friday Patriots are a group of Republican conservatives that meet monthly at 7pm at the Olson's home to socialize, catch up on local, State and National politics and enjoy the company of friends. Statewide candidates have been known to pop-in for a visit when...

6th Congressional District Convention

Republican delegates selected at the County Caucus on 17 March, attend the Congressional District Convention to elect 3 delegates and 3 alternate delegates to the Republican National Convention. Additionally, 1 Presidential Elector is selected for the Electoral College. The Performing Arts Center is located next...

Victory Rock Concert/Battle of the Bands – GOTV

Knowing the importance of getting involved and Getting Out to VOTE this event is being planned by Young Adults. We are bringing YOUNG People together with Music. Please see our blog for further information.

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